Specialist Internet Portal
for Ancient World Studies
in Switzerland

The portal provides an overview on studies of the Ancient World in Switzerland. Here you can find further information on current events, on educational opportunities and on research projects associated with Ancient World studies.

The cultural heritage at and in Lake Constance

Vorarlberg Museum, 6-12 May 2024, Bregenz, Austria.

Annual meeting 2024 of the DEGUWA — German Society for the Promotion of Underwater Archaeology e.V.

Registration by 30 April 2024.

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Geschichte studieren

Sich auf eine Reise machen, um Vergangenheit und Gegenwart zu hinterfragen.

Das Studium der Geschichte gibt dir Antworten auf aktuelle und zukünftige Fragen.

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New series on ancient medicine

Current Issues in Ancient Medicine (CIAM) makes available to a wide readership the results of current research on ancient medicine from antiquity to the Renaissance.

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Aristophane: Ploutos, dieu du pognon


Création théâtrale par la compagnie TALMA.

Mercredi 1er mai 2024, 19h.

La Grange, Dorigny.

Dans le cadre du festival Fécule.

L’Antiquité aujourd’hui : entre mélancolie, utopie et usage toxique


Giusto Traina, Professeur d’histoire romaine à Université Paris-Sorbonne.

Jeudi 2 mai 2024, 18h30

Salle M S160, Uni Mail, Genève.

En collaboration avec la Fondation Hardt.