Ancient Near Eastern studies

Introduction Near Eastern studies

Ancient Near Eastern studies examine the language and culture of the ancient Near East. Research interests range from the first appearance of writing in cuneiform script in the region in the late 4th millennium BC to the Arabian conquest in the 7th century AD.
Ancient Near Eastern studies on the one hand take a philological and historical approach, and on the other they use archaeological methods to examine the material evidence from the ancient Near East.


BA-Studiengang: Archäologie, Major (Universität Bern)
(2 zu wählende Schwerpunkte: Vorderasiatische Archäologie, Archäologie des Mittelmeerraumes, Archäologie der Römischen Provinzen, Prähistorische Archäologie)

BA-Studiengang: Archäologie, Minor, mit Vorderasiatischer Archäologie (Universität Bern)

BA-Studiengang: Kulturgeschichte und Archäologie des vorislamischen Palästina/Israel, Minor (Universität Bern, Universität Freiburg)

Cursus BA: Études mésopotamiennes (Université de Genève)



Edubba A

Film in Sumerian language (with subtitles in Englisch), Bern 2018.
Director: Sebastian Borkowski; Producer: Johanna Tudeau

Edubba A tells of the turbulent day-to-day life of a student in southern Mesopotamia somewhere between the late third and early second millennia B.C.E.

This cinematographic adaptation of the Sumerian text known as Edubba A was produced in the context of the Sumerian course of the University of Bern (Switzerland), starring students of assyriology and archaeology from the universities of Bern and Geneva.